Relationship is Everything
We’re all seeking the most nourishing relationship our heart’s can imagine. To nourish means to feed and to sustain, and it also means to cherish and encourage. Nourishing food provides the essential nutrients for our body to thrive. Nourishing relationship provides our mind and heart the essential care to connect, play, and love. When we have a sense of accompaniment, or what I call ‘with-ness’we feel less fear and pain, and we meet the tasks of life with more ease. Relationship is everything. Decades of ever nuanced neuroscientific research has revealed that there is no single system in the body that is not wired relationally. How we digest and metabolize, perceive and play. How our blood circulates. How we seek and engage, touch and move and rest. How we store resources and respond to challenges, and how resilient we are to the challenges of life. All these and more are