Breathwave Ceremony
March 23 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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An inhale that liberates old ways,
an exhale that surrenders to felt perception—
consciously connected, bringing coherence to the heart body mind.
The depth of connection we seek in this life is abundant, and the well is overflowing, but it begins with our own capacity for intimacy (in-to-me-see) with ourselves.
This gentle practice of embodied present-moment awareness and felt perception is the vehicle to the reality of love without condition.
Nothing to fix, nothing to change…
We simply surrender ourselves to it.
Breathwave is an internationally-acclaimed breathwork modality where practitioners learn to inspire deep wellness and wonder for their lives through conscious breathing.
With the support of a breathwave-certified facilitation team, participants are guided out of self-defeating breathing habits and into psychosomatic states of healing and self-revelation.
Breathwave is a powerfully gentle approach to conscious connected breathing. As a peaceful and pauseless breath circulates through the body, unconscious breathing patterns may arise that resist an optimal flow of energy. Breathwave facilitators are trained to help individuals correct these resistances using hands-on support, direct verbal coaching, and compassionate affirmations. Once these unwholesome patterns are corrected, individuals can experience the power of a coherent, autonomic breath rhythm— a peak somatic healing experience unique to breathwave’s gentle approach to conscious breathing.
Because of limited capacity, this event is RSVP only. Please contact Ruaḥ at breathworkinfo@gmail.com or 541-777-0000