Buddhism & Insight Meditation: A Community Gathering
July 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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This monthly gathering explores how to bring the essential Buddhist teachings alive in our everyday lives. We endeavor to stay in integrity with the original teachings found in the Pāli Canon, while also maintaining a sensitivity to the modern meditator.
Above all, the core teaching we’ll emphasize is that via wise awareness, inner freedom is always available right now. And, when it doesn’t feel like we can touch into that ever-present freedom, relating to ourselves and others with a mountain of patience, compassion, and kindness.
Each gathering will feature a 30-minute lightly guided meditation, a 30-minute dharma talk, and a 30-minute community discussion. At 8:30pm, we’ll wrap up the official evening, and you can either depart or stick around for casual conversation and tea until 9:00pm.
About the Teacher:
A former Theravādin Buddhist monk, David Sudar began meditating in 2005, went on an intensive 21-month Vipassana/Insight meditation retreat in Myanmar in 2013, and in total has spent over 3 years on retreats. His primary teachers are Sayadaw U Tejaniya and Carol Wilson.
David also holds a B.A. in Psychology and has completed a two-year training in Hakomi Mindfulness-Based Somatic Psychotherapy. His great passion is integrating ancient Buddhist Wisdom with the realities of modern life. He teaches widely online and here in Portland. Visit his website for more info: www.pathofsincerity.com
Offered on donation / The Gift Economy. Nearly all of David’s work is offered freely on the Gift Economy, from 1-on-1 meetings to multi-week courses to retreats. While no exchange is ever required to join, your donations are always greatly appreciated!