Learning from the Body

Breema returns to Awakenings again this year at a complimentary Experience Breema Evening on Wednesday, October 4. Denise Berezonsky, a Senior Staff Instructor from the Breema Center in Oakland, CA, will join Luna Lacey, a Certified Breema Instructor from Eugene, OR, to lead the open house. This is a chance for anyone at Awakenings to discover how Breema supports connection to the body, and how that connection supports us in everything we do.

Jon Schreiber, DC, director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic in Oakland, CA, wrote about the importance of connecting to the body in his latest book about Breema, First You Have to Be: Life is not just what you perceive. Its that, but with you in it. If you leave yourself out, life comes and goes mechanically, but youre not participating in it. We dont know what myself really means, but we can use our mind to connect to the body. That becomes our starting point.

Breemas two body-based componentsBreema bodywork and Self-Breemaare fully integrated with the third component, a profound philosophy based on the Nine Principles of Harmony. Practiced together, these three can support us to be present, and connect us to a more essential aspect of ourselves as well as to the whole of existence. Through studying either of the body-based elements we may experience a true and tangible body-mind connection that, when practiced in the midst of daily life, helps us be available to participate more fully in any activity. By applying the Nine Principles, we can stay balanced and have the possibility to nurture more harmony in all our relationships, including to ourselves. Breema can benefit a variety of health-related and caregiving professions. Angela Porter, a licensed marriage and family therapist who is also a Certified Breema Instructor, has seen how much Breemas approach to working with the body and its philosophy and principles have transformed her work with her clients while at the same time lessening stress and compassion fatigue.

Heres a link to a short YouTube video of an interview with Angela. https://youtu.be/2kSbfRTesPY

Breema can also offer invaluable support to massage therapists and bodyworkers. Ariadne Thompson, a massage therapist as well as a Certified Breema instructor, spoke in a YouTube video about the how Breema supports her to be more comfortable and present while doing massage, and how her clients benefit from Breemas approach to the body and health.

Heres a link: https://youtu.be/n1P_ytV_D0c

Please join us for a rejuvenating evening on October 4th and discover the many ways you can benefit by what Breema has to offer. Those who plan on attending can reserve their spot for a mini-session by registering online here: http://www.breema.info/registeronline

For those who would like to follow up, on Jon Schreiber will be leading his annual weekend workshop in Portland on November 5-6 with Breema Instructors from Portland and Eugene.

For more information please contact the Breema Center at 510-428-0937 or email center@breema.com.

Source: Jon Schreiber, DC, director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic in Oakland, CA

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